Santa was riding his bike one day when suddenly the sky clouded above his head and in a booming voice the lord said, :because you have been faithful to me in all ways I will grant you one wish."
Santa thinks for some time and then says Lord make a bridge from Amritsar to London so that I can ride my bike to london whenever I wish to.
The god said just think of cement, steel it will take to build that kind of bridge and moreover it will be too long a streatch for you to ride why dont you ask me something else
Santa thinks about it and then says Lord I wish that I could understand my wife, what makes her happy, what makes her sad, what makes her scream. I want to know all that so that I can help her in her moodswings
The god thinks for a moment and says, "tell me how many lanes do you want in that bridge Mr Santa. I will make that bridge."